On the quest this summer for music festivals, we are only going to ones we've never been to before. A few are in their inaugural year, but one has been growing and entering it's third year...
Located a short distant away in New Jersey, FarmFest is being held on Rickey Farm in Vernon, July 24-26. FarmFest will have a big focus on the music, art, and different workshops. It's going for the transformational festival vibe, where you are immersed in everything going on. The music will be
huge as well. The lineup is absolutely epic and we're hoping for some impromptu sets (Schlang, please).
The headliners to this shindig include
Cosby Sweater and
Space Jesus. They also just announced
Moon Hooch and
Liquid Stranger (with two sets O.O)!! Sooooo... yea. This is going to be one hell of a show. There all different genres and styles, all with deeper feeling to the music. The joy this brings is unspeakable.
With more act TBA Here's the lineup so far:
Papadosio, EOTO, Phutureprimitive, Random Rab, Bluetech, Govinda, Andreilien (Heyoka), Gladkill, Buku, Cosby Sweater, Unlimited Aspect, Nadis Warriors, Skytree, Space Jesus, Esseks, Plassic, Technicolor Lenses, Srikalogy, Jordan Koza Family, Mystery Fyre, Suburban Sensi, Truth Now, Mshairi, Faceplant, RA!N, Brightside, Pure Blend, Wink, Sexy Black Female, ILAS, One Man and Exhilo
With art as another major focus, there will be live painters on the scene performing as well. According to the FarmFest homepage, there are four announced artists. We've seen two of them paint and do visual lighting and mapping work from here in New York. Both are geometrical geniuses,
Psybe and
Kaliptus. We also have Joness Jones and Christina Mazzulla, another two extraordinarily talented artists that bring two very different styles to the table.
Kaliptus |
As for the workshops, be sure to find yoga, poi and other flow, and maybe some workshops on production or music, or maybe energy flows. Since which ones haven't officially been announced yet, we can't really say for sure! There will be workshops though and we are excited to see what's offered.
Tickets are currently in their third tier, which is only $105. For a festival like this, it's basically giving you a ticket. If you wait a little longer, it's going to go up a little, so jump on those tickets now.
Event URL:
**Official Release**
Now in its third year, F.A.R.M. Music and Arts Festival is going bigger than ever taking place July 24-26 in Vernon, NJ. Propelled by the growing transformational festival aesthetic, the festivals organizers have widened it’s reach; Their intentions of creating a multidimensional, free thinking, music, art and science fest is said to be one of a kind seen here on the East Coast.
The addition of Papadosio to the lineup can only mean that popularity of this festival is going to skyrocket. EOTO also adds some major muscle to this event, As there members “Jason Hann” and “Michael Travis” are the drummer and synth player of “String Cheese Incident”. There Band headlines another festival near the Great Lakes known as “ Electric Forest” . Farm Fest is making quite a statement with this bill.
Old favorites from last year return with Phutureprimitive, Unlimited Aspect, and Buku. The addition of Random Rab, Govinda, Andreilien, and Gladkill is also a huge move for the organizers. Livetronica is well represented with Cosby Sweater and Nadis Warriors, and the psychedelic sounds of the northeast are repped by Untz-faves Space Jesus and Skytree.
The festival returns to beautiful Rickey Farm. The grounds provide ample space for camping and parking, and each night, performers, dancers, painters, fire spinners, and more will light up the night sky.
FOR MORE INFORMATON GO TO www.farmmusicfestival.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/farmfestnj?ref=hl
Contact: http://www.farmmusicfestival.com/contact/