There were two events this past weekend that should not have been missed. It marked the second party for
Blue Star Productions and a stand alone event brought on by the handiwork of three awesome ravers! Both were great events and both unfolded very differently. They had a lot of similarities as well as many differences... Let's take a closer gander into the happenings of
A Heartless Valentine and
Pussy Power!
First and foremost, this was a double header for the Electric Warehouse, aka The Lab. Both were themed parties: Heartless being
Kingdom Hearts themed and Pussy Power being....well
vagina. The decor for each party was pretty cool too. For Heartless, there were people sporting keyblades running around, a lot of people in costume, Jack Skellington was all over the upstairs - which was absolutely stunning by the way, playing cards on the walls, a big wall with the Kingdom Hearts logo on it behind the kandi table, a sick laser system by
Paradox Productions... some pretty cool stuff. Pussy power had decorations all over! Some walls had white sheets with holes cuts in them, there were lips and balloons all over the place, painted banners, visualizations by
Kaliptus, towers with LED disks blasting color out, an LED wall behind the DJ booth... Pussy Power went all out with decorations!
I am the Key Master By: Paus3 |
You can imagine how different the room looked with just the lights alone. For example, at Heartless the upstairs was banging with the lights and awesome decor. For a while the upstairs at Pussy Power was lightless, lending hand to upstairs being a little more chill. Eventually there was a system brought upstairs, and the room became more lively, but it was good to have a spot that was more relaxed. The rooms were lit up otherwise, not to mention Kaliptus' work. His visualizations are mostly animations he put together, and it's some trippy stuff. He was telling me how most of his work is in the psy-trance scene, a genre of music that I really got into while gloving. Best believe that in a little bit I'll be going to one of his events and seeing what that side of the scene looks like.
Friends Having Fun and a x2 WTF Moment By: Ronnie C. |
As far as music goes, Pussy Power felt a lot more laid back. The music seemed to mostly be hardstyle for both parties, and Heartless was banging on it all night. For me personally, I loved Pussy's feeling to the music. The beginning was very trancy, slow and progressive. All of a sudden the beat dropped and hardstyle took over. The weird thing about hardstyle is how trancy it is in the beginning of a track. You could be dancing and jumping around and all of a sudden the whole room is just standing there waiting till the next moving part. One set of DJs that did it right for me was at Heartless,
Wink-E VS H4rdnox *Hardstyle Vs.Jumpstyle*. Wink-E knows how to get a crowd pumped, apparently his secret lies in cursing everyone out. No joke, it really works. At Pussy Power, I was melting over Gaby Noodle set. Two reasons, one the music was on point and two she had a gogo dancing slave-girl. This girl had a collar wrapped around her neck and the other end was Gaby's wrist. I stood the and watched as Gaby (without paying any mind) walked to the other side of the stage yanking the girl with her, and she loved it. Plus ten swag points for Gaby, look out for her sets at upcoming events!
Costume Contest Winner Goofy By: Paus3 |
Don't Try This At Home By: Paus3 |
Both parties had different attractions, including Kevin Carpet (both), kandi making table (Heartless), Electrik Graffiti with their tent selling scoodies and led toys and gloves (both), UV body paint by Pixel (both), costume contest (Heartless), Massage Table by Batman (Pussy), free stuff like candy (both), Kaliptus (Pussy), fire poi (Heartless).... there was a lot to do and see at each event, which is a very positive thing. Getting people stimulated if they are not dancing to music keeps the movement going.
Setting Up For the Event By: Paus3 |
I was a little put off by some of the crowd at both parties, which is going to be expected anywhere you go. However, when looking over the event postings on facebook, I noticed several similar complaints for either party. At Heartless, a lot of cell phones went missing. At Pussy Power, there were some undesirables that kept putting their hands on women there. Things like this will happen, but in my opinion, collectively it can be dealt with in two ways. What you do to prevent it in the first place, and what everyone does to keep the environment friendly. First and foremost, don't leave your stuff lying around. No matter what. Give it to a friend or have a bag with you, or don't have it at the event in the first place. Second, tell somebody. If something happens, calmly tell the promoters, tell a friend, spread the word, and the situation will hopefully be dealt with.
No Caption Needed By: Paus3 |
Entertainment Center By: Paus3 |
All in all, I had a fantastic time at each event. However, Pussy Power will forever hold a special place in my heart due to all the wonderful people I met there. From all over the world in fact! It shows that our scene here in NY is thriving. There is so much good in it, what can i say, I love it! Big shout outs to Blue Star Productions, Sacha, Sam, Yolanda and W@x, awesome job this weekend!
A Heartless Valentine:
Sam Froond: SET
Live Photography (Griffin Dolan): SET
Reptar Photography: SET
RFK Photography: SET
DJ Candy Kid: SET
Delineation Media (Smurf): SET
Paus3: SET
Pussy Power:
Ronnie C. Photography: SET
Reptar Photography: SET
Delineation Media (Smurf):
Part 1//
Part 2
Stephanie Kokomo:
Come out and join us this weekend at Naughty Neon! Next weekend is Invasion of the Underground and When Worlds Collide!
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